Monthly Archive for July, 2009

New 2009 CD: Disorganized Fun!

Click here to preview and download the MP3's!

Finally done! I'm extremely excited. I had a lot of neat things accidentally happen in some of these songs. Took longer than I thought to get out, but I'm glad it did because of the way a few of these tunes progressed over time.

The album art was done in watercolor by Kori Michele Handwerker. She's the reason I can't wait to see what the actual physical copy looks like. I'm ordering them in a matte finish. They should be really neat.

Here are some more things about the new CD I think some people might want to know:

- iTunes: It's finally up! Click this hyperlink to buy from iTunes
- Physical CD: You can now order my new CD! All pre-orders (before Sept 10th) were shipped on schedule (Sept 10th). If you live outside the US, shipping usually takes 10-14 days, sometimes less.
- Physical CD Signing: I will still be signing the CD's if you buy 2 or more, including if you buy the old+new CD.
- New MP3 Store: Starting at about 2PM today, all downloads come from a new server. That means if you buy my CD, it should download pretty fast. Yeeah!!
- MP3 quality: 320 Kbps

PS. Thanks everyone for the nice comments on the about this new CD. REALLY REALLY appreciate them.


(Instant Download from my website)


If you buy 2 or more physical CD's, I will unwrap the plastic and sign them


If you've downloaded my music elsewhere and want to pay for it



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