Finished another song this week for the CD! I had no intentions of including this tune but after I started it, I kept wanting to return to it and all the sudden, it was finished. Very unexpected. This one is called "Fifteen Fifty". I thought I would throw up little a preview on my sixtyone page if you want to hear the beginning. It's very electronic sounding, I guess. The end of the tune turns crazy and a bit less electronic, but I want to save that fun for the second CD.
At this point, it's great to have some traction. If a song or two isn't "done" (in my opinion) by the time July rolls around, I'm releasing the dang thang anyways. I'm itching to get it out there. Thanks for the patience!!
Back to work. :)
PS. I should mention, the sixtyone is a great place to quicky find good music if you're looking for some other artists to check out.