Monthly Archive for March, 2007

Thanks Bill Simmons (ESPN)!

I don't for a second mistake my popularity for that of "The Sports Guy", Bill Simmons. He single handedly directed over 40,000 hits (and counting) to my Rocky video when he linked to it from his ESPN blog (third to last paragraph). Thanks for blogging about me, Mr. Simmons - you made my week. Also, thanks to Jimmy from China for telling The Sports Guy about my video and to my good YouTube friends who told me about the article. Man, it's hard not to be positive with all the encouragement around here. It goes a long way, folks. I read every single comment and if I had time, I would reply to every one of em.

Peace out, Ronald

Cathode Ray

Hello web-friends, here's a new beat I'm still working on (see the YouTube if you want to). Nothing crazy here, but this one has been fun to play with mainly because of a sound on my Triton called Nu School Bleeps (or something like that). This beat is called Cathode Ray. Don't ask me why! LOL

Cathode Ray.MP3

Digg? Whoa!

I opened my inbox tonight to check the email and BAM! YouTube smacked my Gmail account upside the head with a buncha emails. Little did I know I had been Dugg for one of my music vids (thanks Digg users). Thanks to all my new friends on the web for the nice comments. I'd love to respond to each one of you if I manage to. Each comment means a great deal to me. I read them all.

While I'll be the first one to tell you I'm different, there's nothing wrong with me or the way I am! I understand some people just need to speculate things (that's normal) but there's nothing wrong with my brain (LOL) and I'm definitely not a savant (go check out some Beethoven for that, folks). I realize that some will think I'm fake, some will think I'm too weird, and maybe a few folks will actually digg my jams. And as long as there are a couple of encouragers out there, I'll keep posting music on the webs.

Peace out! - Ronald


(Instant Download from my website)


If you buy 2 or more physical CD's, I will unwrap the plastic and sign them


If you've downloaded my music elsewhere and want to pay for it



You are currently browsing the Ronald Jenkees weblog archives for the month March, 2007.

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