Archive for the 'YouTube' Category

3 cool things in 1 day. BAM!

A few awesome things that happened all at once... BAM!

#1. A YouTube editor, Sadia, sent me an email saying my channel will be featured on the "Welcome to YouTube" page that appears when anyone signs up for a new YouTube account for two days (starting late Sunday). I think my heart skipped a beat when I was reading that email. It's just an all-around great thing. Thanks, Sadia. And thanks to whoever alerted her to my YouTubes if that's what happened.

#2. Bill Simmons from ESPN mentioned me in his super-famous sports blog again. A kind reader of his blog suggested that I do a 30 second music piece for his upcoming podcast show. As soon as I know for sure what song he wants me to do (and if the offer is still good), I'm going to gladly take that opportunity to thank him for all the hits he's given me and supply him with a homemade beat. Thanks again, Sports Guy.

#3. Finished filming my interview for the guys at Black 20. Those are some nice guys with a cool story. You've probably seen their vids before (the easter bunny hates you).

Thanks a ton to my viewers, commentors, and subscribers for bringing a crazy amount of attention to something I wasn't even trying to do on purpose.

Digg? Whoa!

I opened my inbox tonight to check the email and BAM! YouTube smacked my Gmail account upside the head with a buncha emails. Little did I know I had been Dugg for one of my music vids (thanks Digg users). Thanks to all my new friends on the web for the nice comments. I'd love to respond to each one of you if I manage to. Each comment means a great deal to me. I read them all.

While I'll be the first one to tell you I'm different, there's nothing wrong with me or the way I am! I understand some people just need to speculate things (that's normal) but there's nothing wrong with my brain (LOL) and I'm definitely not a savant (go check out some Beethoven for that, folks). I realize that some will think I'm fake, some will think I'm too weird, and maybe a few folks will actually digg my jams. And as long as there are a couple of encouragers out there, I'll keep posting music on the webs.

Peace out! - Ronald


(Instant Download from my website)


If you buy 2 or more physical CD's, I will unwrap the plastic and sign them


If you've downloaded my music elsewhere and want to pay for it



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