Monthly Archive for December, 2016

First hour messing around w/ the ROLI BLOCKS

Make It Fun – Vol. 1: Tracks for Jamming With Ronald Jenkees

Psst: Last day for CD/Shirt orders for Christmas delivery in the USA is December 20th. Thanks a million to those of you giving my music to someone this year!

*Can now be purchased on Bandcamp (if you want to preview them head to Bandcamp) -OR- directly from me here.

This is a collection of tunes I thought would be fun to jam along with using my style or your own. For each track, I peeled back a few layers to make it jammable for a lead instrument player or a drummer.

It took way longer than I thought it would getting things working again on some of these older tracks, software-wise (i.e. 2009 vs. 2016, 32bit vs 64bit, old instrument and effects plugins not working anymore). Once I got into the swing of fixing things and remembering how I did things with each track, it turned out to be fun bringing a few of these songs back to life and then more fun peeling back a couple of the layers to hear them in a different way.

I hope it inspires a jam session or two, or just enjoyment from hearing the tracks with some of the layers gone to let other layers breath more.

Thanks a million and have fun! Back to work on RJCD5 which will be out early 2017. ;)

Jam Along Album: Cool Layers Underneath

In progress: 10 song jam along album

Some December newnew: Rhodes Deep

This tune is one of my favorites for the new album, which is almost done - need a couple more songs finished to have a complete thing ready to go. I also need album art. 12/6 edit: I reached out to someone I've been working with on a separate project and if it works out, RJCD5 CDs are going to look ridiculously amazing and fun. I just went from feeling kinda lost to suuuuuper excited. LOL

Christmas is getting closer and it has me thinking of deadlines and shipping stuff. I LOVE shipping the things I made, so thanks a million if you're ordering anything from my store. The full discography (all 4 of my autographed albums) is still on sale. I also discounted m'Ladys' Cut T-Shirts to make some room here in t-shirt headquarters. Mainly I'd like to have only unisex shirts for simplicity, so all those items must go!

Last day for CD/Shirt orders for Christmas delivery in the USA is December 20th.

Big huge thanks and I hope your December is awesome and full of fun and music.



(Instant Download from my website)


If you buy 2 or more physical CD's, I will unwrap the plastic and sign them


If you've downloaded my music elsewhere and want to pay for it



You are currently browsing the Ronald Jenkees weblog archives for the month December, 2016.

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