Monthly Archive for November, 2012

New CD is here!!

Click here to preview and download the MP3s!

I put a ton of fun and hard work into this release and hope you find it fun and interesting to listen to. Huge thanks to my friends who give me input on the little stuff when I needed it, and millions of thanks to you for listening to the end results! I hope you like it!

The physical CD is now shipping (order here). It features more original artwork by Kori Michele Handwerker and Peter Selmayr on a high-quality digipack. I can't wait to see what they look like in person.  It's a fun thing to anticipate seeing after all the effort put into the art alone. Update: They're here and they look awesome! Very happy w/ them!!

Other items of interest:

- Stores: iTunes, Bandcamp, Google Play, my MP3 store (MP3 download directly from me), Amazon (soon)

- Physical CD Signing: I will still be signing the CD's if you buy 2 or more, including if you buy an old+new CD. To keep it simple on me for shipping and to stay consistent/fair with the way I started doing it when I only had 1 CD, I only put the autographed CD's in packages of 2+ orders.


(Instant Download from my website)


If you buy 2 or more physical CD's, I will unwrap the plastic and sign them


If you've downloaded my music elsewhere and want to pay for it



You are currently browsing the Ronald Jenkees weblog archives for the month November, 2012.

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